too late

. will you really make it happen this time?
ah... to be pursued. to be wanted. to be needed. it would make any man's resolve crumble. you promise the moon, the stars and the kitchen sink. what do you want? everything can go back to how it was out. this...? maybe even better than before. that...? i don't stop until the fat lady sings, you say. come on.
i will make it happen. i can make it happen.
can you really? your actions and words say otherwise. you have a history and you're living the truth i have made up in mind of who you really are. it is the point of no return. i don't go back. i move forward, maybe even side ways but never back. i saw something in the past that makes for the future that is very clear. i feel i didn't deserve the uncaring treatment and the continued disregard for my true worth. you will never change. learn from the lesson that this represent.
too late... too late.
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