. where have you been?
i have been tied up with many things connected to the land of batiks and nasi goreng. november was when i got shipped out, only to return monthly to the land of the merlion. been physically and mentally exhausted with all the ruckus - helping win an account, readying the engagement, setting up the office, hiring people, making client happy, making budget, trying to sell more of the services. havent enjoyed the country just yet. beyond the mall, strange but delicious food, it has been all work. missing 'home' everytime. trying to find time finish a decent book. someday all these will make sense. if only the answer comes before the why...

i have been tied up with many things connected to the land of batiks and nasi goreng. november was when i got shipped out, only to return monthly to the land of the merlion. been physically and mentally exhausted with all the ruckus - helping win an account, readying the engagement, setting up the office, hiring people, making client happy, making budget, trying to sell more of the services. havent enjoyed the country just yet. beyond the mall, strange but delicious food, it has been all work. missing 'home' everytime. trying to find time finish a decent book. someday all these will make sense. if only the answer comes before the why...
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